“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”

Romans 12:9 NIV

Special Prayer Focus (Week 2)

Thank you for joining our ASM Global Team in a special 30 days of prayer leading up to our bi-annual Global Day of Prayer and Fasting on 25 February. 

Each week this email will introduce a special prayer focus, in addition to the usual daily prayer requests below.


Pray for the 95% of pastors worldwide who have no access to formal Biblical training. Pray they would soon receive training to better equip them to be in God's Word and serve their congregations. Many of these pastors work 2 or 3 jobs to support their family and their church, leaving limited time to receive in-person training.  Audio Bible devices and story-centric discipleship can be effective tools in many areas, providing pastors with eagerly-desired Bible training and spiritual encouragement.

Please pray each day this week for pastors in need of training in these regions / countries:

  • South Asia (country names redacted) 
  • Greater South Asia (pictured, country names redacted)
  • Mexico
  • Mozambique
  • Uganda
  • Kenya
  • Haiti

Pray also for the development of Bible story sets important for establishing strong churches.  


Monday, February 7: Formatting of New Audio Materials

Pray that Old Testament books recently translated and recorded would soon be added to the audio Bibles previously distributed (with audio New Testaments). This is proving to be a time-consuming process with the lack of necessary technology in most of the villages.

Tuesday, February 8: Perseverance through Extreme Weather in Mozambique

Pray for the New Harvest Farm team in central Mozambique, experiencing another challenging growing season because of extreme weather. Pray for blessing as they work with the local farmers to build resilience into local subsistence farms for increased food security in the midst of extreme weather patterns.


Wednesday, February 9: Provision for the Compassionate Care Team (CCT)

The CCT thanks the Lord for always sending them the right patients at the right time. Pray that the number of patients remains manageable for the team and for God to direct them to the exact patients who need holistic physical and spiritual care.

Thursday, February 10: Tools for Gospel Sowing

The audio Bibles ASM and our Gospel partners use to share God’s Word have increased significantly in price due to material shortages and other factors. Pray for the Lord to bless those producing these Gospel tools, such as MegaVoice, Galcom, Faith Comes By Hearing, Sonset Solutions, and Resources for the Blind.


Friday, February 11: Revival Needed Among the Chinantec

Pray for the fruit of love to be evident in Chinantec churches in Oaxaca, Mexico, where many struggle with legalism and modernism. Pray for biblical literacy and godly spiritual revival throughout the region, for more people to hear and respond to God’s Word in audio, and for young people to return to church.

Saturday, February 12: Using Esther to Share the Gospel

Pray for Tara Rye as she presents the story of Esther at an event this weekend to over a thousand people. Pray for God to use this opportunity to draw many to Himself, and to encourage personal Bible Engagement!


Sunday, February 13: World Radio Day

Today on World Radio Day, we celebrate the use of radio to share the Gospel. Pray for new and existing radio stations to broadcast God’s Word more widely in Mexico, Mozambique and elsewhere. Praise God for Gospel Partners Galcom and SonSet Solutions who provide the hope of the Gospel in dozens of countries through radio.


Thank you for being an ASM Prayer Partner!

Get the printable PDF of the full "Praise and Prayer Guide" here 


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in their own heart language

Audio Scripture Ministries
760 S Waverly Rd  | Holland, Michigan 49423
+1.616.396.5291 | info@audioscripture.org

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