“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”

Romans 12:9 NIV

Special Prayer Focus

Please join our ASM Global Team as we continue our 30 days of prayer leading up to our bi-annual Global Day of Prayer and Fasting

This email introduces a special prayer focus, in addition to the usual daily prayer requests below.


Pray for ASM partners who provide many digital tools and audio resources to share God’s Word.  Praise God for His Spirit bringing these partners together in an attitude of humility and service so that more people may hear about Jesus.

Please pray each day this week for the following partners:

  • MegaVoice - solar-powered audio Bibles and tools
  • Faith Comes by Hearing - record and distribute New Testament recordings
  • Galcom (International and GalcomUSA) - training and tools for radio and Scripture distribution
  • Global Recordings Network - Bible stories and resources in more than six thousand languages
  • Davar International - Full Bible recordings for distribution 
  • Resources for the Blind International - low-cost players and founders of the Gospel Access Partners initiative
  • SonSet Solutions - radio and technology solutions for mission

Pray for “the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38, NKJV)!


Monday, February 21: Mother Language Day

ASM helps connect people to God’s Word in their own heart language. Today on International Mother Language Day we celebrate the linguistic diversity of our world, and pray for Bible translations and audio Bible recordings to increase so that all people may hear God’s Word in their own language. 

Praise the Lord for the Genesis Video in Eloxochitlan Mazatec which was recently completed. Pray that many receive and watch this word-for-word depiction of Genesis using the memory sticks and micro SD cards that have been distributed in this Mazatec region of Oaxaca.

Tuesday, February 22: South Asia Bible Engagement Training

Pray for a Bible Engagement training taking place today among South Asian leaders. Pray for Greg and Tara Rye as they lead the training, for open hearts for those participating, and for the Lord’s blessing on the technology and internet connection to make this training as effective as possible.


Wednesday, February 23: Old Testament Recording Completed in Northern Mozambique

Praise God for the completion of the Old Testament recording in Makua of Nampula, a language of northern Mozambique. Pray for the distributions being planned, and for open hearts for all who will hear God's Word in their own language.

Thursday, February 24: Short Term Mission ConneXion

Pray for Don Lang and Lonna Carnahan who will be representing ASM today and tomorrow at a short-term mission conference in the northeast USA. Pray for good connections with churches, individuals, and ministries who organize these short-term mission trips. Ask God to stir up great interest in the tools available to share God's Word in audio, so new Gospel partners can be more effectively equipped to share God's Word. 


Friday, February 25: Continued Blessings from the Container Project

Praise the Lord for the supplies and equipment that arrived in Mozambique because of the generosity of people’s donations to the 2021 Container Project. Many items that went into the container are now being utilized and are a blessing to the local community, as the major growing season is in full swing.

Saturday, February 26: Night of the Bible—Fundraiser Event

Pray for the Bible storytellers, including Tara, contributing to a fundraiser event in Nebraska toward future ASM Bible Engagement projects. Pray that all those attending this “Night of the Bible” event today will be blessed and encouraged to “Be in the Word, Be with Jesus, and Be Transformed”!


Sunday, February 27: The Deep Love of God

Praise God for His generous love! "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1, NIV).


Thank you for being an ASM Prayer Partner!

Get the printable PDF of the full "Praise and Prayer Guide" here 


Your prayers help connect people to God's Word
in their own heart language

Audio Scripture Ministries
760 S Waverly Rd  | Holland, Michigan 49423
+1.616.396.5291 | info@audioscripture.org

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